Sculpture en grès émaillé d'Adrien Chevalley "Séquence 1", vue de l'exposition "Appendices" à la Ferme de la Chapelle

Adrien Chevalley


The polymorphous works of Adrien Chevalley bring together a variety of components, techniques and materials he meets in his daily life.  As he draws inspiration from the premises he is occupying, the Ferme de la Chapelle becomes the principal character of his creation. His interaction with the architectural details of the site begins on the external envelope where he displays large ceramic ornamental, protuberant and organic bas-reliefs.
   The outside project is continued inside where soft lighting falling on hundreds of luminous objects reveals the internal volumes of the building.  Apart from their luminescent function, the subdued night lights invite the observer on a journey across many layers of narrative.



Installation de Karim Forlin

Karim Forlin


21.5 →




Poster for Sylvie Lambert's exhibition at Ferme de la Chapelle.

Sylvie Lambert

Synthesis of a kind of nature

14.1 →
