Photographie de Nicolas Delaroche, vue de l'exposition "Allures anonymes" à la Ferme de la Chapelle

Nicolas Delaroche

Anonymous shapes

Since 2008, Nicholas Delaroche has been photographing private art collections around the world, making visible what is generally hidden from the public.  His work uncovers the fragments of intimacy – Swiss, Chinese, Brazilian, French – that dialogue with the works.  In a rare aesthetic nowadays, these domestic collections become cohabitations between art and life.
   Freed from museums, the fugitive works offer a colourful crowd of ordinary things; they contend with local spaces and materials, light reflection or concrete aggregate, the plastics and the mirrors of the homes.  Juggling frames, positioning and materials too, Unseen attractions offers a view of the private lives of domesticated works. 



Poster for Sylvie Lambert's exhibition at Ferme de la Chapelle.

Sylvie Lambert

Synthesis of a kind of nature

14.1 →




Poster for Patricio Gil Flood’s's exhibition at Ferme de la Chapelle.

Patricio Gil Flood

El Dorado

17.5 →
